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Castelini by Eugen Crisan

Site-ul este detinut de Eugen Crisan ,miniaturist din 2007. Mai multe informaţii pe

De ce sa colectionam miniaturile?.

Uneori frumosul care ne inconjoara nu poate fi pastrat in intimitatea noastra datorita dimensiunilor mult prea mari. Si totusi, prin arta miniaturilor, acest lucru este posibil.

How it's made!

In order to understand the work of art that is all around us, you should first make it yourself! Well that's my personal advice to you because i know how my understanding of art and time involved in making it, has changed since i started to invest time in it. But in case you don't feel the urge to create things, i will explain it to you step by step so that you can get an idea of my type of art and the process involved. First of all you need lots of tools( in the pic below, you can see 30% of the tools i use).Then you need lots of chemicals, very expensive ones if you want quality. Now, all this things combined with some talent + hundreds of hours of work will eventually result in a tiny piece of art. The first material to start with is the special plasticine that you will sculpt and model until you have the piece ready. This is also called the "master model". Unfortunately, the model will be destroyed in the next process.(after so many hours of work, you have to destroy it in order to have the final product, it does hurt a bit to see your work destroyed but sacrifices must be made :)) So, i finished carving hundreds of bricks, laying hundreds of tiles, piece by piece on the roof, making dozens of windows, doors and thousands of architectural mouldings. Next, i will have to make the mould( matrita) so that i can replicate the model. For this step, i need so many materials and so much process involved that 2 pages would not be enough to describe everything. This is the step where i am so so excited that you have no idea. If anything goes wrong here, all my work is gone. The smallest mistake can cost my whole work because if the mold(matrita*) is with defects, the final miniature will be with defects which is a total disaster and the process cannot be repeated because the master model is destroyed. You can see the finished molds(matrite*) on the left page. They are very flexible and they carry inside millions of details and textures that will replicate my miniature. Also up above you can see me working on a master model( Palatul Culturii). I was laying the tiles on the roof. Thanks to a lot of electrical devices such as vacuum chambers, vibrating tables and many more, i create the mold(matrita*) and if the mold is perfect, i can procede to the next process which involves the plaster. You can see this process in the background, you seal the mold( matrita*) and fill it up with plaster(very special one) mixed with water. The worst enemy you can have here is the air which will form bubbles and destroy your miniature. The last step is the drying and painting of the miniature.(making the wood base etc.)

By Crisan Eugen 

Am fost pasionat inca de mic copil de miniaturi,desen si tot ce e frumos. Am inceput insa sa fac primele sculpturi miniaturale pe la varsta de 24 de ani dupa ce m-am intors din Anglia. In aceasta tara de poveste l-am descoperit pe David Tate, creatorul Lilliput Lane-ului, artistul care a creat cele mai frumoase miniaturi sub forma de case, cladiri si monumente.

Idealul artistului este ca in viitorul apropiat sa organizeze o expozitie cu toate aceste tablouri continand diferite tipuri de miniaturi.

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